What is a "Pre Workout" & do you need it?

What is a "Pre Workout" and do you need it?


Firstly, what even is a "Pre Workout" Supplement?

Pre workout supplements are formulated with ingredients that boost your energy and endurance, increase strength and burn body fat. 
Pre workouts are much the same as fat burners with minor differences and effects depending on the product.

What is in a Pre workout?

This is such a broad question that I get asked so much and theres not really one answer to give as all products are formulated with different ingredients BUT a lot of these products are filled with many different ingredients, high amounts of caffeine, creatine and a popular ingredient among most is guarana which is found in energy drinks. Along with many artificial sweeteners, colours and other ingredients that aren't the best. Now I am not saying all pre workouts are but this is the general consensus, there are some natural supplements and products out there however I much prefer the alternatives. I'll list below some great natural alternatives which I personally prefer. 

There once was a time when I wouldn't have ever dreamed about even attempting to workout unless I had taken pre workout prior but when I started putting my health first and not just my aesthetic goals, I started researching ingredients and products more and more and I stopped taking them, I don't promote them and only have a few natural products that I recommend. If you like taking a pre workout then that's ok, this is just my preference.


- Apple/Banana
- Shot of black Coffee
- Kombucha
- Green Tea X50 or normal green tea (I have it cold)


Of course you aren't going to get the huge boost of energy from the listed above like you would from taking a pre workout supplement however you won't get that cloudy feeling afterwards like most leave you with and your body and adrenals will thank you for it.

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